Directions Five Cards



5 Card Story Directions

Directions for 5 Card Story

1. Go here: CogDog's 5 Card Story
2. Pick 5 images, one at a time,  from those provided, thinking of a story as you pick.
3. Write a title
4. Write your code name as your nickname
5. Write your story (Problem; Action; Solution) in the "Comment" section below your nickname
6. Carefully enter the "captcha" words
7. Click Submit
8. Remember to copy your URL and save it in a Google Doc to share.
9. Remember to copy the embed code and paste it into that Google Doc. Here's my sample document.
10. See my story below (Search to Save).

Directions to Publish your 5 Card Story


1. Log in and create a Coyote Talks page. Name it "Class 5 Card Code" and put it in the "Five Cards" folder. I called my page "W5678 5 Card Shee" because I'm in all classes and my code name is Shee.
2.  In a new tab, go to your Google Doc with your embed code. Copy the embed code.
3. Return to the tab in Coyote Talks. Be sure you are in "edit" mode. Type the title of your story.
4. In "edit" mode, you will see this toolbar, click "Source""
5. Paste your embed code below your title.
6. Click "Source" again to view.
7. Save.
8. Here's my story in Coyote Talks: Search to Save by Shee

Here's my story...

Five Card Story: Search to Save

a Five Card Flickr story created by grammasheri

flickr photo by lesliemb

flickr photo by tuchodi

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by spacedlawyer

flickr photo by Serenae

I awoke to the new grey, a world losing its color and life. Remembering my task and wondering where i had been taken, I pushed aside the darkening ferns and glanced out the window. Across the street the early morning sun shown on a Cafe Internet. Great. I touched my side pocket; inside the box was still gently wrapped in velvet. I quietly found my way to the exit, checking for my captors. Apparently, they thought it was too late for me to complete my task. Upon entering the cafe, I grabbed the first available computer, and searched for the nearest wildlife refuge not yet turned into a parking lot or new tower. Directions in hand, raced through the subway, up the tunnel corridor, and out onto the plaza. Two blocks away I could see the browning trees losing life. I scanned the area; all clear. I stepped into the crowd and worked my way towards the park, entering the path by lifting the tangled mass of dried willows. Ducking under and through, I found the first willow clinging to life next to the still and stagnant pond. I reached into my pocket, unwrapped the red velvet covering, and opened the small clear box. The tiny salamander squirmed between my fingers, attempting to gnaw on my thumb. Carefully, I placed it at the base of the willow and let it begin its healing dinner... three weeks later, the colors and life began anew. You're reading this aren't you? Look out your window -- has the color returned? Then we did it.